A beautiful day in Kansas

A beautiful day in Kansas
The herd grazing on a sunny day.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Into the fire

On Thursday in Pratt the unimaginable happened.  A house fire quickly burned and because of the fast-moving fire 4 children and their mother passed away. Allie and I drove by the house Saturday and the street was still blocked off.  The fire investigators are still working to find the start of the fire.
On the news we watched as the fire fighters first pulled up to the home site.  We could see one of our friends running by in his uniform to the scene.  I thought about how most fire fighters are “do-ers.”  They DO the hard things that need done.  Most people run from a fire, they run into the fire.  When they signed up to start their firefighter training, I am sure they knew that hard days would come in the future.  I am sure this was their worst nightmare come true.  No amount of training can prepare a person for dealing with the loss of a child. I imagine that these guys could only lay their heads down, but not sleep.  As they laid their head down, the scene played over and over in their minds.  What could have been different, could they have arrived sooner?  Questions I am sure continue to troll through their minds.  Many of them went home to see their own children and shed a few tears.
On Sunday our pastor prayed that the first responders would be free of guilt.  I too hope they will be free of guilt.  Even though most people know it was no fault of the firemen, I can see how they might carry around guilt. 
Perhaps I should summarize by saying how thankful I am for the DO-ERS in the world.  I am thankful so many wonderful people are willing to put their live on the line and run into danger.  I see these guys out training and their families also give sacrificially to the community.  They have taken time away from their lives to be ready in an emergency.
Many donations have come in.  If you feel compelled to donate this is one link https://www.gofundme.com/chfcjy-help-the-egglestonwheatley-family

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